Struggling to actually email your list? I've made this for you...

The Secret To Email Success X

X How To Ensure X You Email Your

List Every Week X & Make Sales!

It's Time To Start Taking Your Email List Seriously.


i've heard it hundreds thousands of times...

"I don't have the time to email my list"

You know that emailing your list is important, just about anyone who talks about business will tell you to email your list or that 'the money is in the list' but still it falls to the bottom of the to-do list.

It's so difficult to come up with new ideas each week, you feel like you don't have anything interesting to say and you're terrified that you say the wrong thing and everyone suddenly unsubscribes.

Suddenly, it's months since you last emailed your list and your sales are far from where you would like them to be.

Can you afford to keep leaving sales on the table?

When you try to come up with X ideas

you're suddenly faced with a X blank cursor

you aren't a copywriter, X you don't have all day,

you can't afford to hire it out, X so...

you finally close out of your email sender and admit defeat

It's the same old struggles Mmonth after month after...


You keep on sending the same old emails, every time you launch a new product or hold another sale, you pull out the same old overused templates. You're sick of them and so is your list and they aren't bringing in sales like they used to.


It all starts to feel generic, you blast the same email to everyone whether they are interested or not, keeping your open and click-through rates low.


No matter how much you try, you just don't know how to create compelling and engaging content that consistently drives sales.


Competition is stiff, everyone seems to have some sort of side hustle these days, so it's hard to stand out against increasingly overflowing inboxes.


You're forced to keep spending time and money acquiring new customers, instead of building an engaged email list that's ready to pull out their wallets with every new collection launch or promotion.

i've created the one thing you need to actually email your list

I've been there, struggling to email my list and not making the sales that I wanted and needed in my business to support myself.

Something needed to change...

That's when I started focusing on email marketing and soaking up every piece of knowledge on email, copywriting and tech I could until I made my email list the most profitable part of my business.

But I know not everyone has time for that...

Despite teaching people everything they need when it comes to the tech behind getting their email marketing started they still weren't emailing their lists, so I created something to make sure that never had an excuse not to hit send again.

Thank You For Making Klaviyo Easy To Use

Andrew walks you step by step click by click on how to set up everything you need to get your email set up and running. I can't begin to say how happy I am with this course. Andrew Thank you, Thank you for making Klaviyo easy to use!

brandi, simply sweet by b


E-commerce Email Membership!

The easy solution for ecommerce business owners who want to make more sales from their email list without the stress.

inside ecom email membership...

Get All this when you say "maybe" today!


Week one

Monthly Template Packs

Every month, we'll have a brand new content drop sharing emails that you can customise and share with your list to start building your fanbase and making sales. Plus, the monthly masterclass video will go through how to make the most of that month's templates and personalise them to you and your business.


week two

Curated Email Journeys

Move beyond the weekly newsletter templates and take your subscribers on carefully crafted journeys. From the moment they become a subscriber to making repeat purchases, you'll create email sequences that build loyalty.


week three

Monthly Q&A Calls

Each month, I'll go live to help you with your email marketing questions, from using software, to writing templates, to making sense of stats. You'll never get stuck with implementing everything the membership has to offer.


week four

Tracking & Review Training

Keep getting better results each month as you learn how to track every detail of your email. Get access to an ever expanding series of tips and tricks to reading all the data available and how to make changes based on it to improve your email strategy.

but that's not all...

get all this delivered straight to your door

take things offline to plan your next email

Ecom Email Planner

Sometimes the best way to come up with your next email is to step away from the keyword for a while and go back to good, old fashioned pen and paper. That's why I've created my ecom email planner, that helps you plan out your next email without the pressure of a blinking cursor.

see the most important dates at a glance

2024 Ecom Email Wall Planner

There's hundreds of occassions every year that make the perfect excuse to send out your next email so I'm throwing in the 2024 Ecom Email Wall Planner to see every important date on the ecommerce calendar at a glance. Plus, there's even space to add all the important dates for your business over the next 12 months.


Founding Member Glitter Sticker

Show off your founding member status in style with the exclusive our founding member glitter sticker!

I've only ordered 50 of these (and I'm keeping one for myself) so you'll need to be quick!

create an eye-catching subject line in minutes

Subject Line Planner Mousemat

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis.

build your email planning toolbox

Email Planning Kit

  • Stickers

  • Pencil Case

  • Erasable Pens

  • Multicolour Pens

Finally take consistent email marketing that gets results off of your 'someday' list

finally get your email marketing off of your to-do list each month

turn that 'blank cursor time' into time spent doing what you love

stop sending random emails and follow a monthly strategy

Just imagine X how much X easier

emailing your list will be X with simple templates

and support X to ensure you actually use them...

(without spending hours staring at that blinking cursor.)


Consistently Drive Sales... once you start emailing list and getting in front of people more, your sales start to increase and become more consistent.


Increase Customer Lifetime Value... instead of having new customers buy from you and then forget you exist, you can keep your business top of mind and make them come back again and again.


Scale Your Business To New Heights... once your emails start bringing in more sales, it becomes so much easier to scale whether it's through making more sales from your existing list or using that extra income to reinvest into gaining new ones.

never againwill you have to...

  • Stare at a blank cursor

  • Go months without emailing your list

  • Have to spend hours thinking up your next email idea

here's everything you get when you say "maybe" to

e-commerce email membership

Monthly email templates (Value $97)

curated email journeys (Value $147)

monthly q&a calls (Value $57)

tracking & review training (Value $37)

ecom email planner (Value $47)

2024 ecom email wall planner (Value $37)

Subject line planner mousemat (Value $27)

email planning kit (Value $37)

total value = ($422)

today's Price =free

Just cover $29.95 for printing and shipping!

He's mastered the email game

Andrew is my personal tech guru! There's no one I'd rather teach me how to master my email service provider. He's mastered the email game and can teach you all about it, with his tricks and tips.

Raejean, social media snapshotz

thank You for virtually holding my hand and having faith

Thank you Andrew for virtually holding my hand and having faith. Truly enjoyed this. Now to add the products to my budding website and get that website LIVE

nance, keepsakes by nana

but they really shouldn't wait

Founding Member Pricing Ends Soon!

Let's be honest: If you aren't emailing your list regularly then you are leaving money on the table

Join now and try out the ecom email membership for 30 days and even if you hate it, you won't have wasted a penny

There's virtually no risk to jumping in and giving it a shot.

You'll also lock in our founding members pricing before it goes away forever.


The 100% SatisfactionGuarantee

If you try out the ecom email membership and don't find it makes creating your next email easier, faster and more effective then let us know you want to cancel and we'll make sure your membership doesn't renew.

You can cancel at any point without risk or penalty, just be sure to give us a few days notice so we can cancel your membership on time.

here's everything you get when you say "maybe" to

e-commerce email membership

Monthly email templates (Value $97)

curated email journeys (Value $147)

monthly q&A calls (Value $57)

tracking & review training (Value $37)

ecom email planner (Value $47)

2023 ecom email wall planner (Value $37)

Subject line planner mousemat (Value $27)

email planning kit (Value $37)

total value = ($422)

today's Price =free

Just cover $29.95 for printing and shipping!

Summarize what sort of transformations happened because of your offer:





Our Frequently asked questions

How Does The Free Trial Work?

Try out the Ecom Email Membership for a full 30 days without sending us a penny. Then if you love it, you'll continue to be charged according to the plan chosen on the next page. Or, if you decide it's not for you, let us know you wish to cancel and we'll make sure you aren't charged again.

When Will I Recieve My Free Gifts?

I'm launching this inital round to help me find out exactly how many of you are interested before getting everything printed so our founding member gifts will take a little longer to arrive. I expect everythnig to arrive within 6 weeks of the doors closing on our founding member launch but will keep you updated on when you should expect your gifts.

Is All Of This Really FREE?! What's the catch?

Yes, really! When you agree to try out the Ecom Email Membership you can get you r hands on all the free gifts. All I ask is that you help cover the printing and shipping costs to get them to you. Getting all these amazing gifts I've made custom just for our members printed doesn't come cheap and neither does shipping (especially for our international customers). But, I'm sure once you see all the amazing things I've thrown in the small investment wil seem insignifcant.

How are these templates different from free templates I can find online?

Our templates are designed with your specific business needs in mind, including industry-specific language, structure and calls to action, which you won't find in generic free templates.

Do you provide content for different types of email campaigns?

Absolutely, the membership covers a range of campaigns including promotional, engagement, welcome sequences and loyalty building emails. Both in the monthly template packs and the customer journeys which take people through specific journeys to turn them into loyal customers.

What is available as soon as I sign up?

When you sign in to the member's are you'll find all of the monthly template packs for this year. Other content will start dropping each month including the future monthly template packs, customer journey templates, the bonuses and some extra surprises.

Can these templates integrate with my current email marketing platform?

Yes, our templates are designed to be compatible with most major email marketing platforms, and you can ask any questions about using them with your specific platform during our monthly Q&A calls.

What if I have a very small email list?

Our templates and strategies are effective regardless of the size of your list and are designed to help you maximise engagement and conversion, even with a smaller audience.

What type of support can I expect if I run into issues?

We offer customer support via email, the facebook group and our monthly Q&A calls to make sure that you can get all your questions answered.

Whether you've got one person on your list or thousands, you still need to email your list every week. Ecom Email Membership makes sure you email consistently without the stress or time that's normally involved.

You don't even have to commit today, take 30 days to test out the membership and cancel before the trial ends and you won't have to make a single membership payment.

There's virtually no risk to giving it a try today, and if it's not for you, just reach out and we'll cancel your membership.

here's everything you get when you say "maybe" to

e-commerce email membership

Monthly email templates (Value $97)

curated email journeys (Value $147)

monthly q&a calls (Value $57)

tracking & review training (Value $37)

ecom email planner (Value $47)

2023 ecom email wall planner (Value $37)

Subject line planner mousemat (Value $27)

email planning kit (Value $37)

total value = ($422)

today's Price =free

Just cover $29.95 for printing and shipping!

A really strong testimonial

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisc. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse imperdiet, metus id dapibus molestie, velit tellus dapibus eros, vestib euismod justo lorem non magna

jane awesome

A really strong testimonial

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisc. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse imperdiet, metus id dapibus molestie, velit tellus dapibus eros, vestib euismod justo.

john awesome


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